Fertility Yoga & Meditation 

Suitable for absolute beginners, women only

Are you interested in boosting or maintaining your fertility naturally? 

These practices are also great support for:

  • low libido

  • menstrual issues

  • hormonal imbalances due to chronic stress

  • those just wanting to reconnect to their womb centre and inner guidance clearing the energy of past relationships

Empower yourself through potent practices for optimal fertility drawn from Kundalini Yoga, Womb Yoga and Energy Medicine for Women. This class will benefit women trying to conceive naturally or preparing for or going through IVF. 

We will work with: 
Kundalini breathwork to calm the mind and lower stress quickly - stress is the biggest contributor to fertility issues and we will focus on reducing stress and increasing resilience in every class. 

Kriya (specific sequences of postures) to stretch and open the pelvis, support healthy circulation to the ovaries and womb, release stored tension, awaken sexual and sensual energies, balance hormones and boost fertility naturally. No super flexibility or skinny jean status needed - these practices are easy to learn and simple to do but veery effective. Just wear loose or stretchy comfortable clothes you can move in. 

Meditation with mantra to bring calm, focus and connection to your own inner guidance - it is easy to get lost in a sea of information and choices when you are on a fertility journey - this class will teach you simple effective ways to come home to yourself and feel grounded and centred again. 

Deep relaxation and guided visualisation to connect to your body in a joyful and nurturing way and prepare for conception - lie down, wrap up and relax by candlelight and allow your body to integrate the changes made during the yoga session. 

You will leave feeling calm, revitalised and centred with a renewed confidence in your body's ability to conceive and carry a healthy, happy baby! 

 My first introduction to Kundalini Yoga came many years ago on a recommendation from a client I began working with as an early case study, who had been trying to conceive for many years without success. After a course of treatment supported by her Kundalini Yoga practice between sessions she and her husband went on to have three gorgeous little girls completely naturally, with easy natural births. She gave me Maya Fiennes first DVD and book in thanks and I got hooked myself! I have studied music since childhood and dearly love the mantras and music this practice brings, the beautiful integration of movement, sound, mudra, meditation and breath and the calm, joyful centred feeling you get from this practice. Kundalini Yoga is the 'mother of all yogas' and will push you to your own limits and expand your sense of yourself and what you are capable of. It develops grit and focus which I have found very helpful, having grown up with a lively monkey mind that resisted all previous attempts to meditate!

Empowering my clients with self care tools and exercises so you can help yourself and restore your connection to your own inner guru has been my guiding light and was my reason for training in Energy Medicine; I found this same quality in the sacred therapy that is Kundalini Yoga. My clients homework now might include self care acupressure, a breathing exercise (pranayam), a healing mantra or a Kundalini yoga kriya chosen to support our work together.

In addition to Kundalini Yoga, my previous yoga background included training with two wonderful embodiments of the Divine Feminine who both teach beautiful, creative and restorative practices: Uma Dinsmore-Tuli (Womb Yoga) and Francoise Freedman (Birthlight Fertility Yoga) and the weaving together of all these threads with the contemporary practice of Eden Energy Medicine has created the Fertility Yoga I now teach. 

I teach a 6 week course in Kundalini Yoga for Women: Fertility, Menstrual Health & Happy Hormones designed to help you build a personal practice to support optimal fertile wellness. I also teach classes for women in perimenopause now I am 50 myself!

Please feel free to call for a chat if you have any questions on 089 2530788 or email hello@devahealingarts.com

My role is to help you balance your own energies naturally, regardless of what medical label you have been given or what story you arrive with - once this happens, with the help of your inner teacher you will find your own way to health, joy and vitality and a renewed empowerment on your fertility journey. Wahe guru!