“I felt totally energised from the inside out.”
A M, Yoga therapist & writer, Dublin
If you are struggling to conceive, hitting a creative block or simply seeking peace of mind and a happier connection to your body, this is for you.
“Deirdre is a wonderful therapist – friendly, warm, compassionate and so much fun! She’s so comforting a session with her feels like healing for your soul.”
L M, psychotherapist, Cork
Hello and welcome
I'm Deirdre Mc Grath and I specialise in bodywork and emotional wellbeing for women and girls to help you feel good in your body - safe, grounded and connected - whatever life has thrown at you. From my background in Psychology (Trinity College, Dublin), my strong affinity for the restorative power of touch led me to the way I work now combining touch therapies, movement based practices and emotional transformation.
Holistic support as a complement to your fertility journey
I have a specialism in complementary support for fertility and pelvic wellbeing, becoming Ireland’s first certified Fertility Massage Therapist (2013) and Reproductive Reflexologist (2010) (though I have never been comfortable with either title!). Sessions can include fertility awareness charting to help you understand your body’s cycles more clearly - this can be very helpful for unexplained infertility. For complementary fertility support work, I see clients who are self-referred as well as clients referred by their doctors and consultants or attending fertility clinics including SIMS, the Beacon Fertility, Neo Fertility and many clinics in Spain, Greece, Cyprus and the Czech Republic. You can read more about Fertility Massage here and the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage here
Healing bodywork for women and girls
My extensive training worldwide has included both traditional healing techniques for women such as the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, Rebozo work and the shamanic work of Closing the Bones, alongside the contemporary body psychotherapy practice of Pulsing (‘the tai chi of massage’) and Energy Medicine with Donna Eden.
Healing the emotions
I work with energy psychology techniques such as EFT or Tapping and Havening to help with emotional distress, negative thoughts and persistent anxiety and trauma. This is uniquely combined with a shiatsu style (fully clothed) energy balance to allow you time to lie down, rest and integrate the work we have done. I have found this combination to be most gentle yet powerful in creating change. helping you release the pain of your past, feel lighter and happier in the present, and consciously create your best possible future.
In Malahide, Co. Dublin - I previously worked from the beautiful Georgian surroundings of Dublin Wellness Centre but this lovely space has sadly closed permanently during the pandemic. This has been a sort of blessing in disguise as I now have a seven step commute, and a beautiful serene workspace, in my home by the sea in Malahide. Here you can enjoy a peaceful experience, fresh air, free parking right outside, and time in nature should you wish it before or after your treatment. I see clients from all over Ireland and also welcome clients from overseas.
Opening hours
Daytime, evening and limited weekend appointments are available and advance booking is essential.
Who I work with
women and girls primarily (although I see male partners of fertility clients also)
This is for you if you are
TTC and struggling with infertility or TTC, with no specific issues, but you’d like help in preparing for a healthy pregnancy - please see your doctor first to discuss any issues and have any testing needed. Once you are ready I am happy to offer complementary care where appropriate as part of your integrative health package alongside any necessary medical support you are receiving
feeling anxious or stressed out
feeling disconnected from your body
having problems with hormone-related issues such as menstrual pain, skin problems and mood issues
struggling with digestive issues
feeling like you’ve been in a long term bad mood
feeling stuck and frustrated
committed to good self care and open to change
willing to experience deep relaxation and make time and space in your life for yourself
This is not for you if
You have not first seen your GP to investigate any medical, and especially abdominal, complaint - you can choose a natural healing path as a complementary approach but holistic therapists cannot diagnose in the way your doctor can. I am very happy to liaise with your medical practitioner where needed and to receive referrals from doctors.
This is not a suitable option for you if do not want to work in partnership to improve your health - lifestyle changes and good self care are an important part of healing and these take time and commitment.
'I felt uplifted, light and freed up. The follow up, the educational aspect of it whereby you were putting tools into my hands, is quite unique in my experience'
A.M., Yoga therapist
With monthly clinics nationwide
Womankind Holistic Pelvic Massage Therapy
WellWoman Fertility Yoga
Reproductive Reflexology
Eden Energy Medicine for Women
in Dublin, Ireland
I want a baby! Can you help?
I can help you support your fertility naturally with a comprehensive programme of hands on holistic fertility support incorporating the most effective needle-free natural therapies (Maya Abdominal Massage and Holistic Pelvic Massage Therapy, energy medicine for women, reproductive reflexology). Although sometimes a session or two can be just the catalyst you need, a more realistic timescale for us to work together if you have been trying for some time is a 3 - 4 month preparation period working in partnership. (The longest I have ever worked with someone was for about 18 months after she had been through several failed IVF attempts … but it was well worth our joint efforts in the end: beautiful healthy twins conceived naturally in her early 40s, two little miracles!)
Please be aware that this work is complementary to and not a replacement for medical treatment and I do not take on every client for ongoing work. If I feel this is not a good fit for you I will refer you on or ask you to go back to your doctor for further investigation. Abdominal therapists cannot diagnose medical conditions such as endometriosis - a properly qualified therapist will be aware of the red flags that may not have been investigated or have been overlooked and will ask you to see your doctor before continuing treatment.
Help for your unique journey - whether it is one of natural conception or alongside assisted cycle conception (such as IUI, ICSI, IVF) and support for women considering surrogacy, egg or sperm donation or even adoption
Support for all women TTC whether in a couple, mixed or same sex, or women bravely going it alone!
Help to build a fertility friendly mindset - the most effective energy psychology tools to help you release stress and emotional blocks to fertility. Before training as a massage therapist my background was in Psychology and adding this piece can be very helpful.
I’m just about to start my IVF and I’ve only just heard of this - can you help me?
Yes, I see many clients referred from fertility clinics for pelvic work as it can be helpful even right before or during your cycle to improve pelvic circulation to support a healthy womb lining and to help you deeply relax. Ideally, we work together over about a 3 month period to optimise your fertility naturally. Pre and post transfer sessions are also available. There is no pressure to book multiple sessions and no hard sell - I will give you my honest advice about what I recommend and you can book and pay as you go or book a short course to hold session space in advance if you prefer. I do not sell supplements or medication of any kind but will give you my best recommendations based on clinical experience and what will suit your body best.
Do you work in pregnancy?
Yes! Holistic support is on hand through all three trimesters of pregnancy - pregnancy care packages and gift vouchers available.
I need this baby out right now!
Whoa there Mama to be! Labour preparation sessions - with reflexology, acupressure and massage - may help relax you which can help get things moving once you are past your due date.
Post-natal work to mother the mother
Help realign and restore your wonderful new Mama body with Maya abdominal therapy and the Closing the Bones ritual to nurture and support you in the transition from pregnancy to motherhood. Suitable for all women whether your birthing experience was 6 weeks ago or many years ago, come and mother yourself back to your centre.
I had a miscarriage, I don’t know what to do
I’m so sorry for your loss and would be honoured to support you with the Closing the Bones treatment - this is a deeply nurturing experience and very helpful in helping you feel safe and contained again, ready to rebuild trust in your body and honour your lost baby and your journey. Your partner is very welcome to attend and assist if that feels good for you both.
Online consultations available worldwide
Here are some of the most common problems I see:
My periods are super painful!
I have such heavy bleeds, I’m so sick of it
I have no periods, what can I do?
My period is all over the place, so irregular, it drives me nuts
I get ovulation pain, like is that even a thing?
I have unexplained infertility, what to do?
I have been diagnosed with endometriosis/PCOS/ovarian cysts/fibroids and while working with my doctor I also want to learn to help myself as much as I can
I’ve been told I have low AMH/poor egg quality/ an ‘inhospitable womb’!! How on earth do I make it more hospitable?!
I’ve had a baby already and really want to give them a sibling but it’s just not happening this time!
I’ve been diagnosed with prolapse and have discussed with my doctor trying natural methods to help this before trying anything more drastic
I have literally no sex drive left - is that it for life or can I get my libido going again?
I feel so unfeminine, I’ve just totally lost touch with that side of myself
Oh my God I think I’m perimenopausal …
OK I’m definitely menopausal, what now?
Need help with the waterworks?
If you always need to know where the nearest bathroom is, if you're getting up several times a night to pee, if it hurts to pee, if you constantly feel like you need to pee but not much shows up, if you're getting one bladder infection after another ... well that's just no fun at all. Interstitial cystitis and urinary incontinence can also be helped through physical therapy, energy work and naturopathic means. You must always see your doctor first for a check up and diagnosis particularly if you are in pain or have any blood in your urine as abdominal work is not recommended if there is any infection, bleeding or pain present - you must see your doctor in the first instance for diagnosis and discuss your concerns.
Having lost my Mum to ovarian cancer almost 20 years ago I am absolutely committed to ensuring the safest most ethical care for the women I see - all unexplained abdominal symptoms should be checked out with your doctor first, no exceptions. If you are nervous about this, I get that … and that is something we can work to address.
Want to overcome stress, tiredness and low energy and relax, revitalise and feel good in your own skin again? Looking for new ways to help with pain management?
Natural solutions such as massage, energy medicine and EFT can be very helpful in easing all kinds of aches and pains including joint problems, lower backache, arthritis, headaches, migraines and muscle tension. Energy work can also help you pre and post surgery.
Want to improve your digestion, weight and energy levels naturally?
I have worked with clients needing complementary support with conditions such as IBS, reflux, constipation, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic indigestion and heartburn, weight problems and food intolerances. Abdominal therapy can be a very useful part of your healing package in helping with gut motility, tension in the abdomen and releasing restrictions. For any abdominal conditions you must first have a check up with your GP.
I feel stuck/empty/depleted - I need to get my spark and sense of playfulness back
Yearning to get unstuck and get back on speaking terms with your Muse? As an artist herself, Deirdre loves working with artists, writers, musicians and creatives of all kinds to help overcome creative blocks, limiting beliefs and self sabotage and guide you towards peak performance. Your belly centre contains your own connection to creativity, fertility and abundance. If you'd like to restore your connection to this energy, abdominal work combined with energy medicine techniques can be a powerful medicine.
Just curious about what some of your own unique energetic strengths and weaknesses are and how to work with them?
Energy medicine works with the Five Elements system of Traditional Chinese Medicine and can help you make sense of yourself, your friends, family and work colleagues and bring harmony and understanding to your relationships.
Interested in experiencing TRE (Dr. David Berceli's stress, tension and trauma releasing exercises)?
What is TRE®
TRE (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise) is a unique series of exercises that help your body release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Developed by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE safely activates a natural body reflex of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension and calms down your nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe nurturing environment, your body is encouraged to return to a state of balance and rediscover a sense of peace and wellbeing. Helpful for all kinds of tension and trauma including recovery after birth, work related stress, insomnia and sleep problems. Deirdre uses numerous cutting edge techniques to help you address stress in both mind and body. Unlike counselling, there is no need to verbalise or analyse your story - we will work at a level beneath that to actually release the energetic patterns. This is an especially helpful adjunct as you undergo counselling and psychotherapy. As Gary Craig, founder of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), has described: "The cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system"
Whether you are struggling with fertility or hormonal imbalances, digestive or skin problems, autoimmune issues, stress, fatigue, aches and pains or just feeling low, Deirdre's holistic healing arts offer effective lasting solutions all wrapped up in delicious nurturing bodywork to help you get your happy back. I'd love to hear how I can be of service to you so drop me a line via the contact form and I will be in touch for a chat asap!
Donna Eden's Energy Medicine
Facial Reflexology
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
TRE (Tension and Trauma Release)
“Deirdre is truly knowledgeable and always able to offer client-friendly explanations about whatever condition you come in with, which lights you up and inspires you to want to do your part in your own healing process. I would never hesitate to come back for another session with her.
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy
Deirdre is a natural fertility and women’s holistic health specialist, working with complementary traditional techniques for pelvic and abdominal wellbeing through the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® and Fertility Massage. Deirdre also offers sessions, consultations, classes and workshops in Energy Medicine for Women in Dublin, Ireland. Consultations available in Dublin, Ireland and online worldwide by appointment
What is Energy Medicine?
Energy Medicine has been described as 'acupuncture without the needles' but this only scratches the surface. Deirdre trained for many year’s in Donna Eden’s system of energy work, described by Jean Houston as 'perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen' which includes some practices which may be familiar to you from qi gong, yoga, Polarity Therapy, Touch for Health, jin shin jyutsu and other traditional healing practices, and others which are unique to Donna's work. A unique feature of this form of Energy Medicine is that over the years of required training, practitioners become highly skilled in energy testing using kinesiology which means we can track deep imbalances which may not be found or balanced by other therapies such as acupuncture. Many practitioners also develop kinaesthetic or visual sensitivity to subtle energies.
Many different subtle energy systems of the body have been described in healing traditions throughout the world. Acupuncture and qi gong use the meridian system and sometimes the extraordinary meridians (what Donna refers to as the radiant circuits or strangeflows), yoga works on the nadis, chakra and auric field, reiki practitioners may also work with the chakra system. By contrast in Eden Energy Medicine we work with nine energy systems and the interactions among them: the nine energy systems we use are the meridians, chakras, auric field, the radiant circuits, the Five Elements, Triple Warmer, the Electrics, the Celtic Weave and at the deepest layer the Basic Grid. We do not diagnose or treat symptoms but rather track and balance the underlying energies. Energy Medicine is both a complete system of healing and self care and an excellent complement to conventional medical treatments.
“Observe the wonders as they occur around you.
Don’t claim them.
Feel the artistry moving through and be silent
“The best thing about the service offered by Deirdre is that it is totally bespoke. She knows you inside out, and will make relevant adaptations to your treatment according to your individual needs. This is a luxury that I have never found anywhere else.”
- K. Evans, accountant, Dublin